Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I think abortion should be allowed for only special cases. Like say Someone gets raped and she ends up with a baby then it should be her choice weather or not she wants to keep it. They should have to keep it if lets say they were fooling around with someone and they didn't use protection and they end up pregnant then they should have to keep the baby because it was their fault in the first place they were doing what they were doing. I know everyone makes mistakes but you should really think about the consequences of having sex before you just go and have it. Most people don't think about it that way; they just know that it feels good and they want more; they don't think about the consequences of having it. I believe that it would get people thinking about having sex before they actually do. Yes when it comes to abortion you are killing a living breathing being inside of you. Things change though if you are raped and end up pregnant because then it should be your choice. If you can live with a constant reminder of your own rape then I say go for it but if you can't then you shouldn't have to.